Zombie, Zomba ! Raid is Dead !

Missions VO

Mission A48 : Trick or Threat

Just because it’s the apocalypse, doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate Halloween! But where’s the candy? And most importantly, where are the kids? Oh no, Trick or Treat just became Trick or Threat! It’s Halloween time! And you promised a group of errand kids some candy. The problem? You lost them from sight and you don’t […]

Mission M14 : The Teleporter

We’ve heard about a teleporter that could get us off PK-L7 for good! But we have to get there first. Can’t be much worse than where we are right? One of our most brilliant scientists has met an unfortunate end with some Xenos. But if we can activate his prototype teleporter, we might be able […]

Quête B30 : Trebuchet Touché

A Necromancer has taken over this town and rumor has it that they cannot be killed. We’ll see what our good friend the Trebuchet has to say about that! They say Necromancers can’t be killed. Never believe it myself, but now that we’ve come face to face with one it’s time to put those tales […]

Mission A46 : On the Fly

We’ve picked up a faint distress signal from a nearby Hospital. This old hunk of junk helicopter has kept us going, let’s see if she can fly one more mission. Flying overhead, you see a faint distress beacon coming from a nearby hospital. It’s a miracle they’ve survived thus far! With supplies dwindling, you don’t […]

Quête B29 : A Maze of Keys

The Maze of Keys is infamous for its allure of treasure, but also that no adventurers come out alive! But we need that treasure to continue our fight against zombies. « No one’s ever come out alive », they said. « You’re going to regret it! », they said. Despite their warnings, you find yourself wandering and eventually trapped […]

Mission M13 : The Cleansing

This outpost sure is loaded… Both with useful material and with mold! We need this back at the base, so it’s time for a deep cleaning! It was supposed to be a simple mission, cleansing a nearby outpost and salvaging what’s left. Turns out to be canisters of material that we need for headquarters. The […]

Quête B28 : The Outer Plague

It’s impossible to go outside… Piles and piles of dead have been left to rot and fester, making the air unbreathable. We need to stay indoors. And this plague appears to make the zombies stronger than ever! Piles and piles of dead have been left to rot and fester, and the air is full of […]

Mission A45 : The Wild Ride

This house seemed like a great hiding spot to get some rest. But the alarm system of the car parked right in front of it decided to randomly go off during the night and now it is attracting all sorts of zombies! If we can find the keys to the car, maybe we can escape […]

Mission M3 : Entraînement de Super So...

Nous avons été envoyés en mission d’entraînement. Nous devons récupérer des armes et affûter nos compétences. Comment saurons-nous que nous avons réussi ? Quand l’un d’entre nous aura acquis des pouvoirs surhumains ! 2020-02-21 : Retrouvez la 3ème Mission écrite par Guillotine Games. Entraînement de Super Soldat est une mission pour la Zombicide: Invader, Moyenne, […]

Quête B27 : The Epic Curse

On top of the plague, this village has also been cursed by a necromancer. Weapons just fall apart, making it impossible to even try to defend the town. We have to lift the curse if we want to have a chance! A local enchanter revealed himself as a necromancer after the plague began and cast […]
