Zombie, Zomba ! Raid is Dead !


Dick, le Croque-mort

« Vite, besoin d’enterrer Mamie ? Plus besoin de chercher, c’est ici ! » Gagnante du Prix du Croque-Mort de l’Année depuis trois ans, la chaîne funéraire low-cost de Dick Johnson enterre depuis toujours la concurrence. Quand les morts ont commencé à marcher, Dick s’est caché dans un cercueil pendant trois jours en espérant que ça passe. […]

Yuri, l’Agent de Sécurité

Ce personnage semble inspiré de Kiefer Sutherland dans 24 heures chrono.

Donna, la Fashionista

« At least I don’t have to worry about price tags anymore. » Donna has always had superior taste. Her sense of art, music, and especially clothing was far superior to more pedestrian intellects. Unfortunately, she had zero talent for craftsmanship. She had the eye, but the ability always eluded her. Still, she made a decent living […]

Frère Max, le Moine

« Blessed be the undead, for they have inherited the earth. » Brother Max’ monastery was destroyed during the zombie outbreak and the rampage that followed. Scrounging weapons from the rubble, he emerged for the first time in years to face the world. Brother Max views the zombie outbreak as the start of the Apocalypse and believes […]

Maki, la Reine du Hurlement

« I’ve died thirty-eight times already, so what’s once more? » Maki’s first acting gig was as Victim #3 in Freaks of Satan, where she played a hitchhiker stabbed to death by a psychotic trucker. A starlet was born that day. Maki appeared in thirty-seven more low-budget horror movies, dying in increasingly creative ways. When the zombie […]

Nikki, la Dresseuse d’alligator

Nikki, la Dresseuse d’alligator

« Le Sud se dressera à nouveau un jour, mais je ne vais pas attendre que ça arrive ! » Nikki est une fille du Sud, élevée à la ferme à alligators familiale dans l’Alabama. Ses parents lui enseignèrent toutes les subtilités du métier d’éleveur d’alligators : le dépeçage, le tannage, la reproduction et, bien entendu, la […]

Dylan, la Bricoleuse

« Measure twice, cut once! » Dylan was working as the on-stage assistant for a popular home improvement show sponsored by a major power-tool company. Mainly on the set for eye-candy, she was, in fact, handier than both the star and his bearded assistant. When the zombie apocalypse hit, she was on stage, watching the star do […]

Bastian, le Lunatique Urbain

Bastian, le Lunatique Urbain

« The cats will inherit the Earth. » Bastian’s habit of singing and dancing in traffic made him a much-loved figure in his hometown. Closely acquainted with the local authorities, clad in white pants and a bright blue sweater, he was always willing to discuss the wonder of argyle socks, the healing properties of swallowed pennies, and […]

Doud, le Garçon d’Hôpital

« Hey Mr. Zombie, take these lead pills to ease your terminal pain! » Doud had a spectacular skateboard accident mere hours before the zombie invasion. He awoke in the turmoil, as infected people were turning into zombies and began to attack anyone in sight. His will to live, however, was stronger than the zombie tide. Doud […]

Tomiko, le Lapin Psychopathe

« Choppity-chop-chop! » Little is known of Tomiko’s life before the zombies came. There are whispers that she was an anime cosplayer, a video game fanatic, or even an employee at an amusement park. However, people are in total agreement that she is now crazy. Even zombies seem to avoid Tomiko when she walks down the middle […]
