Zombie, Zomba ! Raid is Dead !

Maki, la Reine du Hurlement

« I’ve died thirty-eight times already, so what’s once more? »

Maki’s first acting gig was as Victim #3 in Freaks of Satan, where she played a hitchhiker stabbed to death by a psychotic trucker. A starlet was born that day. Maki appeared in thirty-seven more low-budget horror movies, dying in increasingly creative ways. When the zombie outbreak hit she was guest-of-honor at a horror convention. Grabbing a sword and a knife from the weapons sales table Maki started to hack, slicing and dicing zombies to pieces. It was her finest performance. Since life is now a horror movie, Maki feels right at home.

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3 Commentaires

  1. Vias Vias

    Je la trouve vraiment très classe avec ses deux katanas.
    Un très belle figurine !

    • XofMdS XofMdS

      Ah, ça s’appelle des « katana ».
      Je croyais que c’était des seins.

    • Vias Vias

      Oui mais je suis obligé de parler comme ça car ma femme regarde ce que je fais sur mon PC…

      Mais je suis d’accord avec toi 😉

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