Zombie, Zomba ! Raid is Dead !


Mission A44 : Bob’s Campaign 3/3 R...

Ok, Things are looking good. We rescued Bob and his family. Now we just need to get back to base. The bad part? We are now surrounded by zombies. Even worse? Bob is one of them. Yep, he died. Sorry Bob! We had to stop and rest… However, we were awakened by the sound of […]

Mission A43 : Bob’s Campaign 2/3 R...

Bob is with you, but he asks your help to rescue his wife and daughter who are trapped in a nearby building. Well, since you shut down the transformer in part 1, that means you have to do that in the dark. Weakened by his wounds, Bob asked you for a favour which you agreed […]

Mission A42 : Bob’s Campaign 1/3 R...

Bob’s Campaign, part 1! While looting a miraculously intact convenience store, you hear a strange noise… A phone was ringing. « … I’m Bob… at the Power Stat… everything… the transformer will blow up… die… everyone… trapped… » Bob is weak and needs rescuing! You heard rumors of a convenience store that, by some miracle, is still […]

Mission M12 : The Purge

An Abomination of incredible size passed through here, leaving a trail of destruction. We have no way of defeating if, but this facility may still be salvagable… We must act quickly or the mold is going to take over everything! An Abomination of unimaginable size tore through this mining complex, leaving ruin in its wake. […]

Mission A35 : Quand tu Descendras du ...

Je n’ai jamais cru au Père Noël. Mais bon, je ne croyais pas aux zombies non plus. Je ne suis pas certain que cette chose soit vraiment le bonhomme en rouge, mais il répète inlassablement « pas sage ! » en sortant des… comment dire ça… des elfes de sa hotte. On se croirait dans un mauvais […]

Mission A41 : Loot and Rescue

So we have two goals: get back our stolen food and find our friends, who were captured by this other group before they sturned into zombies. If we can find them, they can fight alongside us! It’s always ugly when Survivors don’t work together. The other group has been trying to kill us and steal […]

Mission M11 : Rescue the Scientists

When this lab went under attack of the Xenos, the scientists decided to lock themselves in and wait for them to leave. We’ll, they’re not leaving, and now the scientists are trapped. Maybe not their smartest move. When this science outpost got hit, the scientists locked themselves inside. Smart! But the xenos damaged the generators […]

Mission M2 : Mauvais Présage

Nos ordres sont d’évacuer cette installation. Le temps est compté. Nous devons récupérer les données de nos recherches et quitter cet endroit maudit au plus vite ! 07/02/2020 : Retrouvez la 2ème Mission écrite par Guillotine Games. Mauvais Présage est une mission pour la Zombicide: Invader, Moyenne, en 6 Dalles, qui vous prendra environ 30 minutes à […]

Quête B26 : Gear Up

In the beggining of the undead outbreak, a convoy carrying the best possible weapons was lost while heading to the royal palace and everything was lost… Or is it? We discovered the exact location it was attacked, if we look hard enough, we may find those weapons laying around! Time to gear up! As the […]

Quête B17 : Portails Néfastes

Une force maléfique crée des failles inter-dimensionnelles qui dévastent la cité. Ce n’est qu’en assemblant une ancienne relique connue sous le nom de Baguette de Négation que nous parviendrons à sauver notre ville ! 10/01/2020 : Retrouvez la 17ème Quête écrite par Guillotine Games. Dangerous Portals est une quête pour Zombicide: Green Horde, Difficile, en […]
