Zombie, Zomba ! Raid is Dead !

Interview « Illustrator »: Dany Orizio

06/04/2020 : I see you made the (magnificent) art for some references of their current Zombicide Kickstarter. Would you be interviewed by us?

Hi Christophe, thank you so much! I’m always a bit reluctant to interviews, I’m not a social guy … but if it’s written, it can be done.

1/ First thing first: your personal pop culture absolute number one? And the one specific to zombie universes (if different)?

I was born in ’75, so the pop cuture of the 80’s definitely raised me…too many character references from those years! I can’t name just one, so I’ll tell you Monsters! So I gather all that attracts me the most.
For zombie universes, everything about Romero stuff.

2/ Could you present yourself in a few words?

I use to define me a CreARTive (creative + Art), because I did regular studies at the Academy of Fine Arts and tried to connect tradition with modernity combining Street Art, Comics and Fantasy. My attraction to the Surreal led me to a search of style that mix every kind of techniques with my crazy ideas. In 25 years I worked with international companies in many fields like Illustrations, Comics, Cover art, Concept art, Design, Graphic, Card games, Advertising, etc…

3/ What kind of games do you like? Do you play Zombicide?

Usually I do not have so much time to devote to the game because I teach in two schools, so as a leisure between a lesson and a deadline delivery I prefer videogames for the speed of execution. But I tried Zombicide and was Awesome! And I feel very lucky to have joined it.

4/ How did you end up working with CMON? What do you do for them (or with them)?

With someone of them we already knew each other for a long time, but we did not have opportunity to work togheter. But the collaboration proposal took place at Lucca Comics & Games 2019 fair, when they came to my booth and ask me about the possibility of joining our forces on Zombicide 2.0. I really enjoy their products so I couldn’t say nothing than Yes! They ask me Illustrations for the Role Playing Game so I started throwing down ideas, then after a month they stop me to move on on concepts for 64 miniatures (Zombies and Survivors), as the kickstarter loomed.
I have been working constantly with them for a couple of years now and have returned to the illustrations of the R.P.G.

5/ What does Guillotine Games / CMON give as directions? How much freedom do you have regarding the (Zombicide) art?

For drawings I have a good dose of freedom, so for zombies they send me descriptions like: « a Cheerleader. » And if she’s a Runner, Walker or a Fatty.
I can choose the position and the acting of the character.
For the Survivors I can choose the position and clothing but they ask me specific weapons (CMON wants any kind of weapons to be realistic), and sometimes they ask me to make some similarities to actors or famous people.
For the illustrations instead they are more specific: where we are, who is going to act, if it’s day or night, how many zombies are there and in general the « mood » they like to have in that scene.

6/ Could you describe your process regarding Zombicide Survivors art?

If they got to be similar to someone actor or famous people I start searching a lot of references and usually watch a lot of movies with them acting just to have the real feeling about the character. Then I’ll start to sketching some dynamic poses and try to combine the weapon they ask me with the character. Then waiting for the approval and start a final lineart. I use to do that with traditional pencil, I started from there and I want to keep the freshness of things do it by hands and also want to keep an original art. After that I working on with digital flat colors, then shadows ,lights ,texturing and sometimes special effects!

7/ What was the 1st thing you created for Zombicide?

The really first where the sketches about the illustrations for the R.P.G which then stopped me. For the designs, I don’t remember, maybe the Butler.

8/ Anything yourself came up with by yourself and that you are very proud of?

You mean in the zombicide process?
Everytime I start thinking a character design or a scene and they come out well and functional.

9/ Which of your work is your favorite (without the « there can’t be one » joker answer)?

If you mean of the Zombicide designs I loved the « Singapore Lownmover » was so difficult to find specific references! And the « Chinese Lion Dancer » because I never drew it and it involved two zombies.
If you mean « my works » in general! I’m so proud of one of the projects of mine called Kustom Lolitaz that it’s an artbook where Pinups collides with HotRod Robots », in simple terms is like a women and engines but in a Futuristic Retrò.

10/ How would you describe one of your typical work day? week?

If I have lessons Im going to school for about 3, 6 or 9 hours for a few days in a week, then I come back and start working on stuff until I’m done.
Usually working better during the night, and I don’t keep track of the hours.
That can be a problem if I have lessons the day after!

11/ Do you currently have any Zombicide secret work in progress?

Yes, a couple of [super secret stuff] that will become part of the Zombicide universe but of which I cannot say anything yet… I can say that now I’m working to complete the illustrations of the R.P.G.

12/ What kind of zombie apocalypse survivor would you be?

Definitely a Tank, with heavy weapons and « berserker » instinct… Maybe crazy like some Mad Max character!

13/ Did you hear about our French Zombicide fan community?

Yes, it’s a huge thing! I’d like to humbly Thank you so much guys for the support, nothing happens without the Fans!

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