29/04/2014 : Première arrivée française chez un de mes confrères bloggeurs de la Taverne du Geek.
28/04/2014 : Le « bientôt » aura duré presque 3 semaines, mais les tracking numbers sont en train d’être envoyés aux européens. En France, c’est la société EXAPAQ qui prend le relais des allemands de DPD :
date / heure | dépôt / lieu | scannage numéro du bordereau de livraison |
pays • route | tournée | code |
25.04.2014 15:18 |
DPD data centre | information complémentaire | Shipment data transmitted | ||
25.04.2014 17:53 |
![]() Neu-Ulm (DE) |
enregistrement | FR • 1091 | 225 | 136 |
25.04.2014 20:16 |
![]() Ludwigsburg (DE) |
consolidation | FR • 1091 | 189 | 136 |
28.04.2014 16:43 |
![]() Le Coudray-Montceaux (FR) |
transit hub | FR • 1091 | 191 | 136 |
29.04.2014 07:47 |
![]() Bondoufle (FR) |
entrée | FR • 1091 | 91 | 136 |
29.04.2014 08:24 |
![]() Bondoufle (FR) |
sortie de livraison | FR • 1091 | 91 | 136 |
29.04.2014 14:26 |
![]() xxxxxxxxxx(FR) |
livraison effectuée | FR • 1091 | 91 | 136 |
09/04/2014 : CoolMiniOrNot, via un mail, rappelle où en est l’acheminement de la vague 2, et ça arrive bientôt en Europe !
The container with the EU packages is on the way and should be arriving in Germany very soon. Once that container arrives, all our EU shipping partners will have to do is unload the container and begin shipping out boxes. There is very little turnaround time.
Our Chinese factory has already begun shipping out orders to our backers in the Asia Pacific. The factory should be wrapping up completion in the coming weeks.
America and RoW
We completed shipping for America and RoW late last week. You should have received a tracking number.
If you have an outstanding parts request with our support team, those will start going out tomorrow. We wanted to complete fulfilling order before moving into parts request as to avoid any confusion or mistakes.
21/03/2014 : Guillotine Games, via Facebook et un mail, fait un geste suite aux problèmes d’impression. Les participants du kickstarter de la Saison 2 auront $10 d’options offert pour le kickstarter de la Saison 3, et les participants à cette Saison 3 pourront avoir une réimpression (corrigées) des fiches des persos exclusifs des 2 premiers Kickstarter.
Dashboard alert trackers without numbers and Season 1 exclusive character dashboards
For those of you who are not already aware, the dashboards on the wave 2 exclusive characters are missing the numbers printed on to the alert tracker. Unfortunately, since the design team normally doesn’t use the numbers when playing the game (and instead advancing the trackers in steps), these were missed in proofing and production on our end and only noticed by those of you who do actually find the numbers a necessary part of your gameplay.
If you have taken the time to let us know your thoughts on this matter, we thank you for your feedback, as well as those backers who’ve written to us over the past year about feeling left out due to missing Season 1.
It’s no big secret that we will be launching Season 3 of Zombicide soon, sometime in Q2. As a way of expressing our apologies for the inconvenience having to use the dashboards with the missing numbers, we will be providing backers that backed both Season 2 and Season 3 with a $10 credit to be applied to any Season 3 optional items in the CoolMiniOrNot pledge manager; this will happen automatically if you use the same email address on S3 as you did S2 – if not CoolMiniorNot will be able to link your accounts after the S3 campaign is complete.
We will also be providing free dashboards for all season 1 and season 2 promos and exclusives to any backer of Season 3 with necessary updates and amendments made (if any), so as to include those of you who missed season 1 or any of the optional exclusives (which you can then proxy other models for). This will also have the added benefit of being inclusive to new backers who want to join us in the world of Zombicide so they aren’t left out of any gameplay. In the meantime, high resolution files of these dashboards will be available at http://zombicide.com for your own print and play.
Thank you for your continued support, and stay tuned for the Season 3 announcement!
– Percy
CEO Guillotine Games
19/03/2014 : Hier est apparu une photo présentant des erreurs d’impression sur les fiches de Survivants. Aujourd’hui, via un message Facebook, Guillotine Games s’excuse et nous informe que ça n’empêche en rien l’expérience de jeu. En effet, si l’absence des numéros de la jauge de niveau de Danger vous gêne vraiment, vous pouvez toujours les ajouter à la main, ou les réimprimer à partir des fiches disponibles en ligne. 🙂
We apologize for the inconvenience caused due to the absence of the game aid numbers on the alert trackers in the Moustache pack and wave 2 ID Cards – this was an oversight not caught on the prototype boards we used for playtesting – Guillotine Games strives to make gameplay as intuitive and easy as possible for players (which is why we added numbers to the basic ID Card design originally).
However, we respectfully disagree that the ID Cards are unusable without the numbers. As this is a convenience and consistency issue on the design that does not affect gameplay, we will not be reprinting the ID Cards on these limited items. We have provided alternate ID Cards on guillotinegames.com with these numbers added in for those of you who would rather play with them. While this may not be an ideal solution for everyone who feels they cannot play these characters without the numbers, we believe this is consistent with industry practice. Otherwise we would be mailing out rulebooks and cards for every clarification, revision, correction or tweak we make.
Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience or confusion caused, and we appreciate the feedback.
14/03/2014 : CMON nous informe, par un mail envoyé aux participants du Kickstarter de la saison 2, que le container européen est toujours prévu pour début Avril, avec l’envoi des lots dès les jours suivant, sans plus de précision pour la date exacte à cause de tous les aléas du transport maritime. Les premiers à recevoir leurs lots seront les « reste du monde » qui comprend entre autre le Canada, l’Amérique du Sud, l’Afrique du Sud, etc. Donc on devrait voir fleurir les photos sur Internet dès la semaine prochaine.
Hello Zombicide backers!
We have a couple of updates that we think should make you very happy!
Rest of World
As of today all of the Rest of World (RoW) packages being shipped from the US warehouse (Brazil, Canada, Chile, Israel, Mexico, Peru, South Africa, Ukraine, and the United Arab Emirate) are on their way to the post office. If you’re a backer residing in one of these countries, then you should receive a tracking number no later than Tuesday. If you receive the tracking number before Tuesday, please give it until Tuesday to start reporting any movement on the packages. The USPS system occasionally recycles tracking numbers so sometimes they report incorrect information such as claiming the package is being delivered to a different address than yours. Best practice is to wait a few days, in this case until Tuesday, for the tracking number to start giving accurate information.
Asia Pacific
Asia Pacific (APAC) backers, our factory in China has packed your boxes and has gotten them labeled. They started shipping packages out today. They believe it will take about 7 to 10 days to complete shipping of all the packages. So for Asia Pacific things are moving swiftly and smoothly.
EU Backers, the container with your packages is on its way already. The scheduled arrival date will be early April. We’re sorry we can’t give a more precise date at this time, but with customs and transportation it is never possible to speak in specifics. Once the container arrives, however, it should only take a few days for our logistics partner to get the packages sent out to you. All they will have to do is unpack the container and then ship out as many boxes a day as possible. There is no unpacking and repacking to be done. The transition from container to shipment literally a matter a day or two. We will update you once we get confirmation that the container has arrived.
Finally, now that we have finished packing the above mentioned RoW orders we will move onto packing American backers’ boxes. Zombicide Season 2 was our largest kickstarter ever and that has resulted in a huge number of boxes to be packed. Unlike EU and APAC we have to pack each order by hand using our warehouse staff. This takes some time, but we average a few hundred boxes a day. This means, starting next week backers will begin seeing tracking numbers in their inboxes. As mentioned in the RoW section above, please give the tracking number between 24-48 hours to start accurately reporting information about your package.
As shipping continues we will keep you updated with more information.
Thank you for your patience during this project and for all the support you’ve given us in making Zombicide one of the biggest board games around. If you have any questions please email support@cmon.com.
06/03/2014 : CMON nous informe, par un mail envoyé aux participants du Kickstarter de la saison 2, que le container américain est arrivé à bon port et qu’ils vont commencer à préparer les colis. Le container européen devrait arriver en Allemagne le mois prochain seulement, mais les colis sont déjà pret et seront envoyés directement à leur réception là bas.
Hey guys!
We’re really excited to announce that Wave 2 has arrived at the American warehouse! Starting today we’re going to begin staging for packing and shipping. As a reminder, the process requires us to open the boxes the items were shipped in, then build boxes for us to ship to you, then fill your boxes with items you ordered. As such it takes a few days for us to prepare this process and then the orders will begin shipping.
We listened to your feedback, so unlike last time, we will have two teams working simultaneously to prepare your boxes. We have one team working on VIP boxes, orders that have lots of items, and another team working on standard orders. Both teams will be working at the same time and will eventually meet in the middle. We believe this will help expedite shipping for both user bases.
The US warehouse will also be shipping out international orders first, these are Brazil, Canada, Chile, Israel, Mexico, Peru, South Africa, Ukraine, and the United Arab Emirate. Then we will begin shipping USA orders. We do this because the number of international orders we handle are very small, and they will take longer to reach their final destination. So more than likely USA backers will be getting their boxes around the same time, if no before, our international backers.
As for EU, the container with all the EU backers’ packages is already on the way to Germany. The container left late last month. The current estimated arrival is the first week of April. However, unlike America, once our shipping partner gets the container, all they need to do is put boxes on trucks. All the boxes are already packed to order and labeled with your addresses. You will receive tracking numbers as the boxes go out. We did this with Rivet Wars, and the turnaround time was just a few days from the arrival of the container to the first reported delivery of boxes. Obviously Rivet Wars was a small project, but our German logistic partner is very capable.
As for Asia Pacific, our shipping partners have already packed boxes for backers. They estimate that they will begin shipping boxes out starting as early as next week. Tracking numbers will start being emailed to you as boxes are picked up from us and our shipping partners for delivery.
Thank you again for your support and patience with this project! If you have any questions please email Support@cmon.com
08/02/2014 : CMON confirme, par un mail envoyé aux participants du Kickstarter de la saison 2, que la vague 2 ne partira de Chine que dans 2 semaines environ, le temps que les colis de chaque participant soient préparés. Une fois en Europe, ces colis seront directement envoyés à vos adresses, puisque déjà pret. (Contrairement aux Etas Unis où le matériel Zombicide arrivera en vrac et les colis ne seront fait qu’une fois le container arrivé.)
Zombicide Season 2 backers, we have really good news for you! As many of you know, Chinese New Year (CNY) happened in late January. During that time production and shipping in China comes to a complete stop. Thanks to the diligence by the team at CoolMiniOrNot and our factory in China we were able to get Zombicide Season 2 Wave 2 shipped out on a container to America before the CNY holiday. The container is currently on its way to America. Here’s what this means for each region:
Backers handled by our own American Warehouse, this includes: Brazil, Canada, Chile, Israel, Mexico, Peru, South Africa, Ukraine, The United Arab Emirate, the United States. All of the items for wave 2 should arrive at our warehouse by early March. We will then need to stage the items (open shipping boxes and organize items), then pack and ship orders. This process takes a little time. So while we will get the container in early March, there will be a few days of turnaround time before we start shipping to backers. And once shipping commences, it will take about 2 weeks in our estimation to complete shipping because of the sheer number of packages.
Backers handled by our EU shipping partners. Unlike America, your boxes are being packed for final delivery currently. Everyone’s box is being packed for shipment at the Chinese factory. Normally these packages would be done packing already and be on their way to the EU, however due to CNY, the factory has been closed for 2 weeks. We are about 50% done with the packing, estimating to finish right before end of this month. Once they’re done packing, the individual boxes will be put on a container to the EU shipping partner in Germany. As soon as that container arrives, our partner will ship the boxes out directly from their facility. So unlike America once the boxes arrive there will be no turnaround time, your items will ship out immediately, most likely by DPD with some countries handled by DHL.
Backers handled by our Asian Pacific shipping partners, this includes: Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand. After the EU backers’ boxes have been packed and put on the container to the EU, the Chinese factory will pack each Asia-Pacific backer’s box individually, and then they will ship those boxes directly to you. So unlike America, there will be no turnaround time for backers, the boxes are being packed to order. However, those boxes will only begin packing after EU boxes have been completed since all the EU boxes need to be shipped in a container to the EU.
How this works out for delivery times: although American backers will have to wait for the container to arrive and for the American warehouse to pack orders; they will probably receive their packages first. Next will be Asia Pacific as those orders will ship directly to backers immediately after being packed at the Chinese warehouse. Finally EU will ship after the container arrives at our EU shipping partner’s facility. Again, there will be no turnaround from the arrival of the container and the shipping to backers. Although the shipping will be staggered in that order, the difference between when American backers, Asia-Pacific backers, and EU backers start receiving their boxes should only be a matter of a couple of weeks.
Thank you for you continued support and patience. It won’t be much longer now; we’ll keep you updated as we get closer to shipping.
07/01/2014 : CMON indique, par un mail envoyé aux participants du Kickstarter de la saison 2, qu’ils ont appris à mieux faire leurs paquets grâce à la Vague 1 et que cette Vague 2 sera donc plus fluide. Si vous avez besoin de changer d’adresse, ou pour la moindre question, un seul mail : support@cmon.com.
We’re very happy to announce that we have started making preparations to ship Wave 2 of Zombicide Season 2. After shipping the first wave we learned a lot about packing and shipping a project of this size. We believe that the shipping of wave 2 should be a lot smoother. With that said, we’ve already begun ordering boxes and printing out shipping slips. If for any reason you need to change your address you’ll need to contact support@cmon.com. Changing your address inside the pledge manager at this point will not affect the shipping details for your package. So, again, please contact support@cmon.com and we will work on fixing issues on a case by case basis.
Pour rappel, la Vague 2 contiendra :
- Les Survivants Promo de la saison 2, Set 2 :
- Les Survivants Bonus de la saison 2, Set 2 :
- Special Guest Box : Adrian Smith
- Special Guest Box : Karl Kopinski
- Special Guest Box : Kevin Walker
toujours rien reçu… d’autres sont dans la même situation ou il faut que je m’inquiète ? 🙂
As-tu reçu un mail pour le tracker ?
non :/
As-tu essayé de les contacter ?
Thank you for your support and your patience. If you have any questions please email support@cmon.com
non je voulais savoir avant si d’autres étaient toujours en attente, ou dans ce cas le fait que j’attende toujours serait resté « non inquiétant »…
mais bon, je vais les contacter en effet.
merci 🙂
j ai eu un soucis avec le transporteur car absent il ne pouvait accéder a ma boite au lettre. CMON m’a contacté, je serais livré au boulot lundi
bon, pour info :
cmon contacté par mail ce week-end.
mail de prise en charge et réponse dès lundi, et colis reçu cet aprèm !
nickel 🙂
bande de veinard, moi je n’ai toujours rien reçu
Colis 2ème vague arrivé ce matin (Belgique), et sans recevoir de mail de confirmation d’envois. Colis complet, sans casse.
Ai reçu mon email de suivi UPS aussi.
(les fois précédentes, le colis est arrivé avant, qui sait?)
J’ai rien reçu perso… C’est pas bon ça ? 🙁
Ça dépend de quand est traité ton colis. Certains n’ont encore rien reçu, alors que je suis sûr que les premiers colis sont arrivés aujourd’hui. Inquiète toi dans 15 jours.
Ok, je vais attendre mi-Mai si pas de news et les contacter. Si par contre j’ai des infos d’ici là je vous tiens au courant 😉
Arf, je pars en vacances dans 2 jours (et jouer notamment à Zombicide avec de vrai gens !!) … la loose … ce sera là à mon retour (peut être) 😉
@WensFR, pareil. ^^
Bonjour, comme promis je viens vous tenir au courant. J’ai bien reçu m’a vague deux ! Bon j’ai reçu le mail de suivi après que le livreur soit passé chez moi et ait trouvé porte clause, mais bon au final on y est arrivé.
Par contre c’est moi ou ils se sont bien planté sur le printing sur le coté de la boite survivants Exclusif Set Pack 3 ? lol
Ca plus les chiffres sur la barre d’xp manquante, ça fait quand même vachement produit à l’arrache…
Ce n’est pas que toi, il y en a une photo dans cet article justement.
Yes eren, je viens de voir ça.
Pour être honnête, je m’attendais à un peu plus de professionnalisme de leur part. Cool mini or not n’est pas à son premier KS, et vu les fond récolté…. Ca serait une petite boite je comprendrais…
Enfin, je verrais bien ce que je ferais lorsqu’ils sortiront la saison 3, mais sauf exclus de malade je pense que je passerai mon chemin. 😉
Vu sur ebay :
-moustache pack
-boite numero 3
« Guillotine Games s’excuse et nous informe que ça n’empêche en rien l’expérience de jeu. En effet, si l’absence des numéros de la jauge de niveau de Danger vous gêne vraiment, vous pouvez toujours les ajouter à la main, ou les réimprimer à partir des fiches disponibles en ligne »
ah bin si ils s’excusent tout va bien… moi j’ai pas trop envie d’écrire sur mes fiches ni d’avoir des fiches imprimées… ils sont un peu « chiés » quand même… heureusement qu’ils nous livrent tout ça dans les délais… 🙂
Ou tu peux jouer sans les chiffres imprimés.
oui bien sur, et je peux aussi jouer avec des petits pois à la place des zombies…
bien sur que ce n’est pas un drame, je trouve juste un peu « juste » de dire désolé y’a une coquille, prenez un stylo ou go dl…
sur ce, vais sans doute jouer sans les chiffres en effet.
Encore 1 mois ! ça me laisse un peu de temps pour finir le peinturlurage de tout ça 😀
Pour les intéressé j’échange une ou deux Kyoko contre soit Chuck soit Fred « j’aimerais plus fred » juste pour ceux qui sont intéressé, me contacté soit via mon mail soit via forum 🙂
Punaise, je déménage dans 3-4 semaines, j’espère que j’aurais le colis avant de rendre l’appartement ! ^^
Des news pour l’envoi de cette vague 2 ?
A priori il faut attendre la fin de la période fériée/vacances en Chine. 🙂
Sachant que les SGB sont prévues en France pour la mi-Mars, on peut s’attendre à un début des envoies vers la même période.
Et la livraison est prévu pour quand ?
Stop n’en n’envoyez plus, j’ai plus de place !!!!
Si je peux t’aider, j’ai de la place chez moi (j’ai connu zombicide qu’il y a peu d’ou pas de kickstarter pour moi 🙁 )
Mais c’est pour rendre service bien sur
Quelle dévotion zesteph !
En gros, que des survivants !
Très bonne nouvelle.
Merci bien 🙂
Une bonne nouvelle pour ce début d’année. Nous allons rapidement voir s’ils ont effectivement progressé !
Ne pas s’emballer quand même 😉 Les colis sont plus petit je pense, mais y a beaucoup d’éléments ^^