Zombie, Zomba ! Raid is Dead !

Nemesis Cards

27/08/2014 : Rules Nemesis Card v1

  • Idea: Season 3 Kickstarter comments
  • Rules: XofMdS (and lot of discussions on our forum)
  • Cards design: Polymorphal
  • Nemesis board and Rules layout: Brutal Benji


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21 Commentaires

  1. MeixDev MeixDev

    Hey. Would it be possible to get a Zip or something of the cards in the future ? That would make them easier to download. I had to go through the code itself to get the images as JPG/PNG, as my browser would only take them as WEBP.

    Also, the last card, A-Bomb, is the French Version !

    Still, thanks a lot for those.

  2. Jun Jun

    What does it mean resistace + 1? if my abomination get +1 damange three times does the damange reparts in all the zone or will it be able to kill only one comrade?

    • 28/02/2015    

      Hello Jun,

      I’m maybe wrong, but I have understood that you need a weapon with damage 4 (or more) to kill the Abo (instead of 3).
      For example : a molotov or flamethrower.
      The skill « Super strengh » is not enough to kill an abo with « resistance + 1 ».


    • XofMdS XofMdS

      With super strength and dmg3 weapons coming into the game, this nullifies the possibility to kill an Abo with them. Either get more bonuses or a molotov effect.

    • Jun Jun

      Thanks Wens, and in regards to my second question would damage that the abomination does to you hit your commrade in the same zone? if not, wouln’t that be great?

    • XofMdS XofMdS

      Résistance is the deffensive ability.
      Other cards allow extra activation, thus a possible second assault, or two attacks instead of one.
      So precisely what you have in mind, in different words.

      Some combo can be VERY lethal.

    • Jun Jun

      thats pretty neat, wich material should i print this?

    • Jun Jun

      oh and what about the experience on top (in the nemesis character sheet)? what is the meaning of it being there

    • XofMdS XofMdS

      The XP is there for visual balance between all ID cards of the game.
      Useless (for now – who nows).

      We printed our own via a famous website in custom card print. As these cards do not mingle with any other game material, you can skip the « codex » size drama and go for what suits you. We went for mini-US.

      If you are on the forum, you can MP me, I have some english extra sets available (if shipping is not an issue – tbd), because I had to make everything on the x4 chart to be clever.

    • 02/03/2015    

      You can track max survivor’s XP, in order to know when to get a new card.

    • Jun Jun

      Thanks XofMdS I would really appreciate that, but im mexican and the shiping will be a thing, I´m thinking in print them in gloss paper or something, and i will print a regenerated card for them in order to use the same system used in the heros wounds with the exeption that to deal a damage in a abomination you must surpass his resistance when in natural they have 2 in resistance so only the concrete chainsaw or something (with power 3) can do 1 damage if they gain one more resistance they will be even tougher, it will be fun, any thoughts?

    • XofMdS XofMdS

      Should the Zombie résistance be an official concept, Abominations would have a natural 3. Fatties 2 and all else 1.

    • Jun Jun

      more like abominations 2 natural resistance one for fatties and 0 for else, cause if all has 1 resistance then the pistol that only do one damage wont do anything

    • XofMdS XofMdS

      > or >=, only a matter of point of view. whatever suits you.

    • Jun Jun

      mm yea that wasnt the point Jun… Do you think it would work?, or may if a abomination needs 5 wounds to die it would be imposible?

    • XofMdS XofMdS

      Lost Zombies (Res 1 in our scale, or 0 in yours) do introduce the need of multiple wounds (5).
      My opinion is that managing Abominations in such a way is an open possibility, yet less intuitive and simple than the game tend to be.
      Rule is that you get rid of a Zombie in ONE successfull hit – no matter what. (Lost being some kind of a weird exception, more PvP-ish in the hit/wound management)

    • Jun Jun

      woah i dint know those lost zombies but the rule is awesome, is indeed the same way I would use them too they are great and the abomination with this would be The nemesis, I wanna use them as soon as posible

    • Jun Jun

      do you got those cards? I would love some scans n.n

  3. 11/09/2014    

    Very good job.

  4. XofMdS XofMdS

    For a complete deck, I recommend all cumulative « bonuses » (+1 this or that) to be x2 and everything else to be x1.

  5. brueh brueh

    thanks!! =D

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