Bouter les zombies hors du royaume implique de rassembler les survivants sous notre bannière. Ce n’est qu’en réussissant un coup d’éclat symbolique que nous y parviendrons. Le roi a été vaincu et il erre probablement quelque part, en quête de chair fraîche. Nous devons retrouver sa couronne. C’est un devoir sacré ! Et en plus, elle est jolie…
Retrouvez la 3ème Quête écrite par Guillotine Games. La Couronne Royale est une quête pour la Zombicide : Black Plague et Wulfsburg, Moyenne, en 6 dalles, qui vous prendra environ 90 minutes à 4 Survivants ou plus.
Vous la retrouverez dans le section Support du site de Guillotine Games ou sur le minisite Zombicide de Edge Entertainment ! (Il faut être connecté sur leur site pour pouvoir télécharger le fichier)
Hello, thank you for your excellent job.
I would like though to simply suggest you to give some precisions, cause when I play it I found some hesitating rules.
A. « Trapped doors:
Resolve these effects in order whenever the green door or any violet Vault door is opened »
There are ONE and only ONE violet door.
Are you mean one of the vaults doors (violet or yellow) or only the violet vault door????
B. « 1. The green Spawn Zone become active.
2. Spawn a Zombie card on the green Spawn zone (active or not). »
The Green Spawn Zone was activated in the first step, so when we pass to the step 2, the green Zone is ALREADY activated
C. You put a Blue Spawn Zone too in the material needed, or we don’t need it.
Thank you for explain at least the A point .
Have a good zombie time 🙂
Hello, this Quest is designed by Guillotine Games, not by us, and we know that it is broken.
But I will try to answer you :
A/ Personnaly I keep the regular violet Vault door like the map says, then I add another violet Vault door when I find the blue objective. So, the effect apply when you open the regular green door, the regular violet Vault door, and the violet Vault door you discovered with the blue objective.
B/ I think that it is a bad copy/paste, you are right, on step 2, the green Zone is already actived.
C/ Again you are right, maybe when the gree Zone is actived, you witch it with the blue one ?
Vivement la vf 🙂