Zombie, Zomba ! Raid is Dead !

Web Mission E1 : The Bank Heist & This town ain’t big enough for both of us

On our very first extra scenario for Zombicide: Undead or Alive, two outlaws were looking to make an easy cash and went to small village of Clay Town. Little did they know the new plague would arrive along with them!

Looking for easy money, my pardner and I have just arrived in the small village of Clay Town. We heard about a large stack of cash that arrived just a few days ago by train and completely filled the bank’s vault! What we didn’t expect, though, is that along with this delivery came a bloodthirsty plague that turned all the city’s inhabitants into ravenous, flesheating zombies! If we really want to take the money with us, we’ll have to uncover the secret of the stash in the town, then deal with these freaky creatures!

02/09/2022 : Retrouvez la première Web Mission écrite par CMON pour Zombicide: Undead or AliveThe Bank Heist est une mission Difficile en 9 Dalles qui vous prendra 45 minutes environ à 2 Survivants.

Vous la retrouverez sur le site de CMON.

This is a very special scenario with a secret twist ending, so make sure to check it out!

Finally, we eliminated all of them! The small village of Clay Town is free of those undead freaks and we can go on to spend the money on however we want. How does taking a looong vacation in the east sound? Take a gamble, you say? The thought of that does gets my blood pumping. How’s about going all or nothing?

This town ain’t big enough for both of us est une mission secrète permettant une autre conclusion à la mission The Bank Heist.

Vous la retrouverez sur le site de CMON.

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A propos Eren Histarion

Eren Histarion : L'esprit créateur de l'équipe du Fan Site

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